What Jewelry to wear for Youtube, Video Podcasts and Everyday life.

Choosing the jewelry that you are going to be wearing on camera requires a few things to consider. Here i am going to break down each piece and some helpful tips on collections/groupings and mixed metals. I know how many details go into a youtube video and I hope my personally written blog post can help you decide what's best for you.
When you start your thought process of how you want to look on camera, there are a bunch of choice that you will need to made.
Hair, makeup, wardrobe which includes jewelry. These are just the body images choices that you will be making but if you run your own youtube channel, you know there is lighting, script, props, filming, editing, thumbnails, descriptions, cross platform marketing and so on. It can all be a little overwhelming. I want to make the process a little easier for you by first starting with what I put together for this look for my cooking channel, it doubles as my everyday look too because it's my natural style.
WHERE TO START- The best place to start in my opinion to choose your jewelry for your youtube video, podcast or photoshoot is to start with the neckline you are wearing for the camera. Here I choose a V-neck but not too deep of a V-neck, you don't want too much cleavage showing. I chose a colour that compliments my eye colour and I know I want gold jewelry because it's going to go beautifully with the warm olive green and mineral wash of this fabric.
Click on link to watch the video, here i'm talking about this look and having a personal connection to your pieces.
NECKLACES- Once you know your neckline, then choose 2 necklaces that are 2 different lengths but not more than 4cm apart. I choose a chocker length because it sits nicely on the lower part of my neck(this necklace is showing in the video link above) and the the heavier pendant should be on the longer necklace like mine here with the cat charm. If your necklaces are getting tangled you can always add a layer clasp. I will add a photograph and link at the bottom of the blog for you.
EARRINGS- Keep them simple if you have other jewelry on. Here I choose an earring that was part of a set in terms of design. Everything is sweet and celestial. Plus you don't want the earrings to take away from your face and distract your viewer. There is a time and a place for large statements earrings. Your youtube video is not the time for that but a podcast would be.
BRACELETS- Stretchy bracelets are a good choice because they don't clank around when you are filming. My bangles from India made a bit of noise but I was cooking and there were lots of kitchen sounds. If you are doing an instruction video or podcast, bangles would be too noisy and I would stick to a singe bracelet.
JEWELRY FOR PODCASTS-The world of podcasting is all about the microphone and it's a lot more common now to have the podcast filmed, so you do have to consider how you look and how clanky your jewelry will be. As you wont be talking directly to the camera, this allows for a little more play with your style. I would recommend pulling out some of your more embellished earrings and wear your hair down but not covering your face. A little hair moment while your head is bobbling away while you chat has a relaxed feel. Also you might consider a matching bracelet because your hands might be on the table top that you are speaking at. Of course a simple small hoop or stud is classic.
Here are 2 choice of earring I would recommend wearing for a podcast if you want some va-voom and one has a matching bracelet option.
I wore a simple grey V-neck t-shirt with this earring to keep the look balanced.
RINGS- These are really a personal preference. If you are a mega ring wearer and feel naked without them, then they are part of your personal style. My rule is I like all my ring to match each other and if one has a stone, to have that match with something i'm wearing. In my youtube video, I wore my green olive dress and my ring had a green stone. This ring in the photograph with the rose agate would also looked stunning with the muscovite gemstone bracelet(seen above) and further pull the look together with a matching lipstick & blush colour.
This star ring I wear in a ton of my instagram videos because it's part of the celestial vibe and it can adjust it to wear it on my thumb or any fingers.
MATCHING COMPONENTS- For the youtube video style, I choose a simple gold eye with cutouts because a grouping is always pleasing to the eye to look at. The charm on my bracelet matches my necklace and the ring. This principal is true with decorating, echoing a colour theme through a room or even through the whole house. Same with a styled outfit, the look for the day, everything might be muted or bright colours but there is a bit of black in the shoe, handbag and maybe a black stone ring. Your wardrobe could have a common colour theme. All the handbags, shoes, belts and hats could all be a common colour, your hair colour might be a brown that coordinates with the handbag too especially if it's a natural leather colour. I have 3 examples here, an anklet, ring and bracelet (wound around models finger)
MIXED METALS- It's a harder challenge putting multi coloured metals together because you will want to balance them when on camera. Silver & gold are stunning together when done right! Why I went with all gold here is because it was much easier. I also did a grouping of my necklace and earrings all in a celestial/cosmic style. All my rings are gold, a few were family heirlooms, which brings deeper meaning to them layered with everything else. Bangles are also coveted pieces from my travels to India, 2 of them have a special engraving that my mother added giving them a personal touch to my youtube videos.
I hope this helps your make your own decisions on what to wear on camera or your everyday life.
You can always send me a message to ask my opinion on what would looks perfect in your next youtube or instagram reels video. Or what didn't work in your last video, or maybe it's just an everyday question. I'm happy to help.
Please forward this article to a friend if you found it helpful.
Youtube Shorts Video on How to use layering clasps, click this link.
I also have how to use the layers clasp pinned as one of my top 3 videos on my instagram account. The secret to no tangle necklaces. Click this link to watch.
Blog written by a real person, if you are into that.